Creator & Designer
Cycle is a conceptual tea company dedicated to changing daily habits in effort to eliminate single use plastic by repurposing 1 product for multiple actions. The packaging is designed to facilitate supplemental actions with tea that might include: drinking, using as a skincare treatment, and planting tea. As the beauty industry accounts for 2/3 of our total plastic waste each year, this product is created to supplement the waste and cost of commercially sold items in the beauty industry.

Cycle is a conceptual tea company dedicated to changing daily habits in effort to eliminate single use plastic by repurposing 1 product for multiple actions. The packaging is designed to facilitate supplemental actions with tea that might include: drinking, using as a skincare treatment, and planting tea. As the beauty industry accounts for 2/3 of our total plastic waste each year, this product is created to supplement the waste and cost of commercially sold items in the beauty industry.
Cycle was created to change daily habits to support a sustainable lifestyle. These organically shaped pods and plant seed paper packaging are aids to change the way users interact with tea. The large pod holds fresh tea for drinking while the small container holds used tea for alternative activities:
• The small yellow pod can be placed in the refrigerator to chill tea bags for de-puffing and redness reducing face masks
• External seed paper packaging can be planted alongside a wet teabag to support growth and bring nutritious moisture to plants
• Both containers can be used as planters

Over the course of 4 months, Cycle was carefully crafted using Rhino, illustrator, photoshop, 3D printers and UV printers. After many sketches the containers were printed using 100% recycled wood PLA filament. Supplemental paper packaging was then printed on plantable seed paper using a UV printer for embossing and glossing techniques.